unit 78 graphics for computer games
exercise 4
understanding different types of digital graphics
file extension

file extensions are the end of the file that helps identify the type of files in operating systems such as Microsoft windows in Microsoft windows the file name extension is a period that is often followed by three characters. But may also be 1,2 or 4 characters long.
image compression

Image compression is when you save an image but use less space than it normally takes. It takes less space without compromising the quality of the image. It comes as the original then it is compressed and then restored so it doesn't loose any integrity and is smaller than the original.
Image capture

This is the act of taking a picture when you take a picture you are capturing an image it is the process of obtaining a digital image from a vision sensor it usually involves a hardware interface known as a frame grabber which captures single frames of video an example of this is to the right . also taking a screen shot is a type of image capture as you are capturing an image and adding it to a memory bank.
Optimising your images for the web allows you to have 2000 * 2000 pixels and 600 KB in order to ensure page speeds are consistently good across all devices it utilises responsive images which means only the size of the image required to load. The image to the right is
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