Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Sakariye Ahmed
Btec level 3 games design
Unit 78 digital graphics for computer games
Generating Concept Art and Creating Digital Graphics for Computer Game Graphics

Own brief
  I have to make a 2d platform game that's maze . the genre is scifi with puzzle and  maths parts to it. The artistic style for the game is cell shading as this is more compatible with 2d games my aim is to use maximum 5 MB I also have to create a three part story for the game.The target audience intended for this game is people from the age range of 16 to 25 as these people tend to enjoy scifi related games and or movies they also enjoy video games and are most likely to have games consoles or spend more than 1 hour per day playing games. I will want the puzzle part to be something like a maze and the maths part to be you have to solve an equation to pass on to the next level. I also am going to make the game with some sort of reward system with achievements when the player does certain things or gets to a certain level and I want to make it challenging so the player enjoys it more. the text in the game also needs to be right as it will affect the overall look.

I am going to make a 2d platform game that has some sort of maze inside of It. The genre am going to be using is sci fi with aspects of puzzle and maths to it I want my game to be mentally challenging and to push the minds of the users that play it. The artistic style I am going to be using is abstract as I am making the characters and I don’t want them to look like anything from real life. Some of the other artistic styles aren’t compatible with 2d games for example cell shading which is used to make 3d characters look more cartoony which can be used on a 2d character but won’t look good at all.

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